Solving Failed to install CocoaPods dependencies for iOS project
This error ocurrs on macOs and M1 when you try to compile a project on React Native and basically you get the next error:
With that error is impossible continue and is hilarous because it appears for example when you 1st create your app on React Native
npx react-native init your project
So we solve easily and fast with this article, don’t worry about it.
Open another terminal and put it the next:
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
This will take a loooong time and you see the screen when is downloading the dependencies as this:
When this process is done you need enter to ios folder and do the normal install with:
cd ios && pod install
You can go back to the folder out ios and run the project
npm react-native run-ios
And obtain no errors:
Done. We ended and now is working.